Trabajamos arduamente para ofrecerle los siguientes servicios:
Tarjetas ocasionales
Aplicación movil de RefillRx
Recargas de medicamento
Servicio gratuito a entregas locales
Recursos del paciente
Proveyendo la calidad que usted espera de su farmacia.
Si no encuentra un servicio que necesita, por favor dejenos saber para poder ayudarle.
Servicio gratuito a entregas locales
¿No puede viajar? ¡Déjenos entregarles sus productos!
Recursos del paciente
Nos esforzamos para satisfacer sus necesidades, tanto en la farmacia y por la red. Nuestra página de red es una gran herramienta de recursos para casi cualquier tema o medicamento. Vea nuestros videos y lea artículos diarios o utilice nuestra función de búsqueda en nuestra página de Recursos del paciente. Encontró un gran artículo? Comparta artículos y videos directamente a su cuenta de red social. También ofrecemos la posibilidad de comprobar las interacciones entre medicamentos e identificar pastillas.
Recargas de medicamento
Acceda a las recetas de su familia donde quiera que esté. Ofrecemos 4 maneras convenientes para solicitar una recarga:
1. Denos una llamada con el número de receta que desea rellenar y nosotros le avisaremos cuando esté listo.
2. Crear una cuenta en nuestra página de red para su familia. Haga click en Regístrarse hoy y comience el proceso de registro. Cuando usted haya creado una cuenta, usted será capaz de iniciar sesión, ver sus recetas activas y pedir recarga. ¡Así de fácil!
3. Sin registración, puede utilizar la opción de Recarga Rápida que se encuentra en nuestra página principal en la red para una recarga breve. T
4. Utilice nuestra aplicación móvil para recargar sus recetas donde sea.
Prescription Rewards Club
Sign up and save on your medications at West Grange Pharmacy as part of the Sav-Mor Prescription Rewards Club! Your $10 registration fee covers everyone in your household, and you receive great perks such as:
Discounts on all brand name and generic medications
500+ generic medications for $4.00 — for up to a 30-day supply*
500+ generic medication for $9.99 — for up to a 90-day supply*
Discounts on all pet medications
FREE medication review
$10 Gift Card just for signing up!
20% discount on all Quality Choice® brand over the counter products
*The day supply is based upon the average dispensing patterns for the specific drug and strength. The program, as well as the prices and the list of covered drugs, can be modified by Sav-Mor at any time without notice at the discretion of Sav-Mor. Additional restrictions may apply.
Blood Pressure Tracker Program
Our PharmaSmart program helps make it easier for you and your doctor to manage your blood pressure. PharmaSmart provides tools to help you track your blood pressure over time, and to accurately and confidentially report your blood pressure results to your physician. Our pharmacists can also help you interpret your blood pressure results and provide valuable consultations between your regular doctor visits.
Obtain your personal blood pressure Smart Card today!
Safely dispose of your old drugs in West Grange Pharmacy's Yellow Jugs! Never crush and flush your medications. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources & Environment has performed extensive studies on the presence of trace amounts of pharmaceutical compounds in surface and ground water which have a negative impact on the aquatic ecosystem including wildlife and our drinking water. West Grange Pharmacy participates in the Yellow Jug Program to facilitate the safe disposal of unused, unwanted, and expired drugs. Bring us your old medications and do your part to keep Michigan's beautiful waterways safe and clean.
Flu Shots
Most insurance plans are accepted and there is no cost with most plans.
No appointment necessary.
$29.99 per flu shot without insurance.
We Have Your Prescription Plan Medicare Parts B and D
Our pharmacists are specially-trained to assist Medicare Part D enrollees evaluate their benefits and select the plan that is right for them. Our pharmacists can also assist patients who are dual-eligible and have Medicaid and Medicare Part D. Seniors can enroll live at
The Medicare D Preferred Networks for 2017 are:
Cigna Healthspring
The Non-Preferred Medicare D networks that we have are:
Caremark SilverScript
Express Scripts
We participate with many other health plans:
Blue Cross
CVS Caremark
Priority Health
United Health Care
And many more. Contact our pharmacy for details.
Patient Drug Assistance Programs
Drug Cost Assistance Programs are a legal and safe way for seniors to better afford their Rx medications. Senior citizens have a legitimate cost saving alternative to resorting to the illegal and unsafe practice of importing their Rx medications from Canada or other countries in the form of various cost-saving prescription drug manufacturer programs. These programs offer substantial assistance to qualified low-income seniors.
Pfizer and Lilly offer substantial savings to qualified seniors through their savings programs.
Here's a quick table of contact information to find out more about these programs.
We encourage you to ask your West Grange Pharmacy pharmacist any questions you have relating to your prescriptions or over the counter medications. Below are a few resources that provide valuable medication safety information.